Governor Adeleke Announces Major Revitalization Plan for Osun’s Cocoa Industry

Osun State Governor, Senator Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke, has reaffirmed his administration’s dedication to revitalizing the state’s Cocoa Industries, aiming to position Osun as Nigeria’s leading cocoa producer.

This commitment was made during a meeting with Chinese investors from Wuxi Huadong Cocoa Food Co. Ltd, who visited the state for a two-day working session.

The company’s Managing Director, Mr. Yan Weiqing, expressed optimism following an inspection of the defunct cocoa facility in Ede, committing to refurbish the processing plant and install new equipment, aligning with the Governor’s industrialization vision.

Governor Adeleke highlighted the January launch of the state’s Cocoa revival initiative, which includes reviving old plantations, planting at least a million seedlings, and developing factories for new cocoa products.

He stressed the ambition to not only lead in cocoa production but also to expand into processing and exporting cocoa products, indicating plans for partnerships with agro-industrial firms.

Welcoming the Chinese team, the Governor announced the state’s readiness to draft a Memorandum of Understanding for reviving the Ede cocoa industry, instructing the Commissioner for Commerce and Industry and the Attorney General to facilitate this partnership.

Rev. Bunmi Jenyo, the Commissioner for Commerce and Industry, underscored Osun’s economic advantages in cocoa production and other agricultural products, predicting job creation and increased state revenue from the proposed investments.

1 Comment

  1. Great giant step by own degov….MAY GOD MAKE ALL THINGS POSSIBLE FOR YOU ASIWAJU…we are happy as workers of CPI about this resurrection after 25painful years…congratulations…

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