Pension Payments: I Have Outperformed My Predecessors – Adeleke

Osun State Governor, Ademola Adeleke, declared on Friday that his administration has surpassed the performance of his two predecessors in terms of pension payments to retirees.

Speaking in Osogbo during the presentation of bond certificates worth over N4 billion to retirees from the state and local government areas, Adeleke highlighted his administration’s achievements. He compared his tenure with the 12-year reign of the previous governors from the All Progressives Congress, Rauf Aregbesola and Adegboyega Oyetola, who collectively paid N11,150,871,889.00 in gratuity. In less than two years, Adeleke’s administration has disbursed over N12 billion in gratuity.

Adeleke emphasized, “From December 2022 to date, we have released bonds totaling N12,719,245,528.00 across the state and LGAs.”

He credited the success to the innovative efforts and personal sacrifices of his team, particularly praising the Head of Service, Ayanleye Aina, for his effective management of pension matters.

By increasing monthly releases for gratuities and bonds by 100%, Adeleke ensured that the regular and full payment of pensions continues without interruption.

Representatives of the pensioners, Gbenga Oyadare and Toyin Ayinde, commended Adeleke for prioritizing the welfare of retirees.

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