Chronicle of a Doer: Dr. Busayo Oluwole Oke (BOO) , Member of Parliament Representing Obokun/Oriade Federal Constituency

Dr. Oluwole Oke’s first year in office has been a beacon of effective governance and dedicated service, showcasing his exceptional commitment to his constituents.

His tenure is distinguished by significant achievements across various sectors, earning him accolades as one of the top ten bill sponsors and a consistent, influential voice in parliamentary sessions.

Dr. Oke’s remarkable legislative activities and strategic roles within the House of Representatives highlight his expertise, resourcefulness, and unwavering dedication to his constituency, his party, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) as well as Osun State.

Legislative Leadership

Dr. Oluwole’s leadership and legislative prowess is evident from his appointments to key positions within the House of Representatives.

Within one year, he has been assigned 2 classified roles as Chairman and member of strategic committees in the Green Chamber.

He initially chaired the House Committee on Judiciary where he led quality and sustainable reforms in the Judicial arm of the government, and currently leads the House Committee on Foreign Affairs . These roles highlight his expertise, resourcefulness, and deep understanding of legislative and policy matters.

Cross-Party Excellence

Despite being a member of the PDP in a predominantly APC House, Dr. Oke’s performance has transcended political lines, proving that excellence knows no limit/opposition. His ability to represent his constituents effectively in such an environment underscores his dexterity, capability, Intellectual mobility as well as dedication.

Employment and Economic Empowerment

Employment Opportunities:
Supported over 200 applicants for state teaching service recruitment with application fees and logistics.
Employed 50 individuals privately.
Facilitated employment for over 70 individuals in federal establishments.

Economic Empowerment:

Facilitated SMEDAN/Presidential Nano Grants.

Sponsored and trained artisans in conjunction with NSIP.

Established the Obokun/Oriade Farmers Hub and a Small Business Hub.

Educational Development

Dr. Oke has made significant strides in enhancing educational infrastructure and opportunities:

Employs over 50 ad hoc teachers on a monthly payroll.

Procured JAMB forms for over 7,000 candidates.

Awarded full scholarships at Osun State Technical College, Ijeda.

Constructed and renovated multiple classroom blocks in various communities.

Healthcare Improvements

Built the Erin-Oke Comprehensive Health Centre.

Initiated the construction of Erinmo Community Health Centre.

Renovated the Ilo Maternity Centre.

Infrastructure and Community Projects

Dr. Oke’s commitment to improving the constituency’s infrastructure is evident. Below is a snapshot of some key initiatives he has recently embarked on and their current status: These include few that had earlier been started and receiving touches towards completing them.

Esa-Oke : Constructed intra-township roads.

Erin-Ijesa : Achieved 90 % completion of the Town Hall.

Ipetu-Jesa : Completed the Palace.

Ilo-Ijesa : Graded roads for easy acess.

Iwoye-Ijesa : Palace renovation work.

Ilase-Ijesa Palace : Near completion, with remaining works including the gate house, fence work, and painting.

Erin-Oke Palace : Final stages involve mechanical and electrical fittings, fixtures, and painting.

Onikoko Hall : Excavation of trenches completed, and the foundation block wall erected.

Esa-Oke Palace : Awaiting the installation of doors and windows.

PHC Erinmo : Successfully roofed, with plastering underway.

Ira Community Hall : Final stages involve mechanical and electrical fittings, fixtures, and painting.

Imesi Ile Hall : At roof level, with roof trusses on site.

PHC Orisunbanre : Initial work includes trench excavation and the supply of granite and sand.

Iwoye Palace: At 98% completion, with remaining tasks including compound finishes and fence painting.

Ikeji Ile : Excavation done and borehole drilled, preparing for further construction work.

Erin Oke PHC : Successfully roofed, with plastering underway.

Erin Ijesa Hall : Final stages involve mechanical and electrical fittings, fixtures, and painting.

Erin Ijesa: A block of 6 classroom completed renovated.

Dagbaja Hall : Excavation of trenches completed, and the foundation block wall erected.

Otan Ile : At 98% completion, with remaining tasks including compound finishes and fence painting.

Ilahun Hall : Final stages involve mechanical and electrical fittings, fixtures, and painting.

Ada Owode : Final stages involve mechanical and electrical fittings, fixtures, and painting.

Civic Engagement and Community Development

Dr. Oke has continued in his partnership and maintenance of the strong relationships with traditional rulers and community leaders in the constituency.
He has demonstrated that he values and always interested in addressing their needs.

Also, his continuous engagement and alignment with the demands and needs of his constituents further shows the quality of his leadership.

Commitment to Good Governance

Dr. Oke’s focus on governance over politicking has led to significant progress in key areas such as education, employment, empowerment, human capital development, support and food relief . His transparent and proactive approach to representation has been well-received by his constituents.


Dr. Oluwole Oke’s first year in office stands as a testament to his unwavering commitment to delivering the dividends of democracy to the Obokun/Oriade Federal Constituency . His holistic approach, which combines political education, good governance, and active community engagement, continues to empower, and uplift his constituency.

The foundations so laid during this inaugural year promise sustained development and prosperity for all constituents.

Dr. Oke’s relentless dedication to his role ensures that every household in the Ijesa North Federal Constituency will experience the positive impacts of his diligent representation, paving the way for a brighter and more prosperous future.

At the moment, Dr. Oke remains particularly focused on governance, ensuring that his efforts translate into tangible benefits for his constituents.

His one year in office is indeed a rich compendium of dividends to his constituents and the constituency at large. It can only be imagined by the grace of Almighty God ,the heights of attainments we would have recorded in the next 365 days.

Piece By Omolebi-Sunday Segun Tunde

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